Business Tips for Importing Taiwanese Cakes and Candies in HCM City

Business Tips for Importing Taiwanese Cakes and Candies in HCM City

Tet is one of the best times of the year for business, especially for imported Taiwanese cakes and candies at wholesale prices. Have you caught on to the hottest business idea for the end of this year yet? This article will give you 5 ways to start importing Taiwanese cakes and candies in HCM City for Tet!

What makes importing Taiwanese cakes and candies in HCM City special?

In today's essential demand, imported cakes and candies are products that many customers are interested in and choose for their daily lives. Not only during holidays and Tet, but imported cakes and candies are now used daily for various purposes due to their advantages:

  • Diverse flavors for ample choice
  • Guaranteed origin, ensuring consumer safety
  • Various price ranges suitable for different segments
  • Delicious and nutritious

Đài Loan có thể nói là “cái nôi” của bánh kẹo và đồ ăn vặt. Những sản phẩm bánh kẹo “hot trend” có xuất xứ và nguồn gốc từ Đài Loan rất nhiều. Sau cơn sốt của trà sữa Đài Loan “làm mưa làm gió” suốt thời gian qua, thì bánh kẹo Đài Loan cũng “hot” không kém.

Bánh kẹo Đài Loan hiện đang rất “hot” trong thời gian gần đây, đặc biệt là vào dịp Tết

Imported Taiwanese cakes and candies have been very "hot" recently, especially during Tet.

In particular, types like sponge cakes, sandwich biscuits, yogurt cakes, etc., are well-known to confectionery enthusiasts. Moreover, the prices of Taiwanese cakes and candies are usually very competitive and suitable, making them highly sought after in the market. Therefore, importing Taiwanese cakes and candies at wholesale prices in HCM City has great potential and attractive profit returns.

Successful business experience in importing Taiwanese cakes and candies in HCM City

Market research and identifying target customers

Market research is the first and crucial step in the business plan for Taiwanese cakes and candies because it significantly influences subsequent sales and marketing activities.

Taiwanese cakes and candies in HCM City usually have slightly higher prices compared to domestic ones. Therefore, the main customers will generally be those with moderate to high incomes who prioritize product quality over price.

Imported Taiwanese cakes and candies in HCM City typically have slightly higher prices compared to domestic cakes and candies.

Imported Taiwanese cakes and candies in HCM City typically have slightly higher prices compared to domestic cakes and candies.

Therefore, to achieve the best business results, you need to research the cake and candy market in the area, understand customer preferences and shopping trends, and accurately identify the target audience you are aiming for (age, gender, income, etc.).

Finding sources for importing Taiwanese cakes and candies in HCM City

The confectionery market is highly competitive among brands. Especially for Taiwanese cakes and candies, besides choosing products that suit consumer needs, the origin of the products is also a top concern for consumers.

The origin of the product is also one of the foremost factors that consumers are concerned about.

The origin of the product is also one of the foremost factors that consumers are concerned about.

Depending on your business model, you can choose a suitable supplier. Here are some ways to import cakes and candies from Taiwan that you can consider:

  • Hand-carried: Suitable for those who have acquaintances in Taiwan, they can buy and bring them back or contact professional agencies specializing in handling hand-carried goods.
  • Travel to pick up goods: You can travel to Taiwan (if possible) to pick up goods, ensuring quality and buying at the original price.
  • Purchase online: This is also a good idea if you import goods in small quantities but consider the shipping costs as they can be quite expensive.

Choosing suitable products

Many customers choose to buy a cake or candy product not only based on quality but also on the brand behind it. Therefore, not every imported Taiwanese cake and candy type attracts customers and can bring high profits to HCM City business owners.

Therefore, you need to clearly understand the target customers' needs to choose the right product. Besides, you should prioritize products with exquisite designs, luxurious metal boxes, or attractive materials because imported cakes and candies are often purchased for gifting or display during Tet.

Choosing suitable products

Choosing suitable products

Obtain circulation permits

Imported goods are usually strictly inspected by functional agencies, and imported cakes and candies are no exception. Therefore, to minimize unwanted situations, ensure that you have completed all mandatory procedures to be able to sell these goods.

This is also the basis to gain the trust of customers because the market today is flooded with fake confectionery products of poor quality, and consumers find it difficult to distinguish them.

Multi-channel sales to optimize revenue

To optimize revenue when importing Taiwanese cakes and candies in HCM City, multi-channel sales will be an effective choice. Multi-channel sales is a business model that helps sellers access potential customers from various channels, from traditional stores to online sales websites, shopping apps (Shopee, Lazada, GoMUA), social networks (Facebook, Zalo, Tik Tok Shop).

Why should you choose HNT to transport imported cakes and candies from Taiwan to HCM City?

Currently, the trend of importing Taiwanese cakes and candies at wholesale prices is increasing day by day, especially during year-end occasions to meet consumer demand not only in HCM City but also in many other places. Therefore, choosing a reputable transportation company will help save costs, time, and effort in your business. With over 12 years of experience in logistics, transportation, import-export consignment services, and customs clearance, HNT offers competitive freight rates for routes across Asia and the Middle East. HNT is confident in bringing absolute satisfaction when you choose our services.

Contact HNT Logistics via Hotline: 0981.655.880 (Mrs. Thi) for advice on transportation services, receiving quotations, and professional and prompt procedure handling.

HNT is confident in bringing absolute satisfaction when you choose our services.

HNT is confident in bringing absolute satisfaction when you choose our services.

>>> See more: What Makes HNT's International Cargo Transportation Service Stand Out?