Export Documents Coffee What Preparation Is Required?

Export Documents Coffee What Preparation Is Required?

Export documents coffee is papers important goods through customs smoothly. However, the preparation and finishing the stock from this export is not simple, requiring businesses to understand the process, comply with the specific requirements of customs, ensure the accuracy to serve as payment as well as check later through. So the stock from coffee exports, including what, how to prepare complete and accurate? Let's find out in detail in the article below!

Export documents coffee is what?

Export documents coffee is a mixture of important papers help the process of trade between the country of export and the country of import goes smoothly. These are the materials necessary to complete customs clearance, ensure the legality, transparency and safety for both business export and import partners.

Export documents coffee is what?

Export documents coffee is what?

In the year 2023, Vietnam's export turnover coffee 4.24 b USDcontinue to maintain its position as the country of export large coffee Monday the world. To expand the market and make Vietnamese coffee, reach, businesses not only need to focus on quality products, but also to understand about the procedure, testimony from export help goods more quickly and reach the international market more effectively.

The importance of the stock from coffee export

Export documents coffee plays an important role in ensuring transparency, legal compliance, and help merchandise through customs smoothly. This is also a factor to help business build credibility and create trust with international partners.

Here are the reasons the stock from coffee export indispensable:

  • Determine product origin: Proof of origin of the coffee, to help partners peace of mind about the quality and production process.
  • Ensure standards and brand values: The evidence from testing to help confirm the quality coffee, enhance reputation in the international market.
  • Support payment and control transactions: Bills and financial documents to help process payments, transparency, avoid risk in the transaction.
  • Optimal customs clearance: Prepare full papers help of export goods quickly, to avoid delays or problems arise when customs inspection.
Prepare full papers help of export goods quickly

Prepare full papers help of export goods quickly

>>> See more: Who Do The Customs Procedure Of Export?

Export documents what's included?

To export coffee, you need to prepare adequate records and documents in accordance with the law, including:

Records, documents procedures, export coffee

According to paragraph 5, Article 1 of the circular 39/2018/TT-BTC (amendments to Article 16 of circular 38/2015/TT-BTC), business directory coffee need to prepare the customs records the following:

  • Customs declarations electronically: Complete the information according to form no. 01 appendix II of the circular 39/2018/TT-BTC and submit the originals through software electronic.
  • Invoice export: to Provide details of amount, quality, value and conditions upon payment of the shipment (payment snapshot of the stock from the commercial invoice).
  • Contract of sale: a written agreement between a buyer and seller, stipulating the terms on quality, payment and dispute resolution.
  • Packing: clearly the number, weight, and packaging coffee.
  • Proof of origin: the Invoice or statement purchasing coffee.
  • Export permit: If the goods subject to special management should have a permit from the competent authority.
  • Standard self-published products: Obey the Decree 15/2018/ND-CP, filed in Management of food Safety.
  • Proof of conditions export: to Apply for export shipments, the first in accordance with the law on investment.
The profile customs export can include stock from paper or electronic documents

The profile customs export can include stock from paper or electronic documents

Place of registration profile

After preparing full set of documents from coffee export business conduct customs declaration on electronic system ECUS5-VNACCS prescribed. After the declared need in the declaration of the same set of documents from paper to submit at the Customs Department.

The customs will check and threading declaration according to three levels:

  • Flow blue: the System automatically customs without inspection.
  • Stream gold: Business must present the paper records to the customs check.
  • Stream red: Check the paper records and the actual goods before customs.

In addition, depending on the requirements of the importing country, the business may need to prepare a number of other papers, including:

  • Insurance certificate (if available) to insure risks in the shipping process.
  • Paper phytosanitary prove consignment meet the hygiene standards and safety.
  • Certificate of origin (C/O form ICO) dedicated for the coffee shop.
  • Certificate of quality and quantity, weight, confirming the practical information of the shipment.
  • Certified fumigated (Fumigation) to ensure the coffee is not infected insects or mold.
After the declared need in the declaration of the same set of documents from paper to submit at Customs Department

After the declared need in the declaration of the same set of documents from paper to submit at Customs Department

Application deadline customs

According to Article 25 of the Customs Law 2014, the time of filing the customs are specified as follows:

  • Goods exports: Business to filing after the goods have been gathering at the declared place and at the latest 4 hours before the means of transport.
  • Export goods through courier service: deadline for submission no later than 2 hours before the means of exit.

Customs declaration after the registration has effect in 15 days, during this time, businesses need to check and complete the profile as well as the documents from coffee export then to goods is through the right term.


Complete full export documents coffee not only helps businesses comply with legal regulations, but also limit risks and avoid disputes in international transactions. At the same time, this is also the important step to expand the market, bringing Vietnamese coffee, and reaching further. Businesses can save this post to refer to when needed, help with the export process takes place more favorable.

HNT Logistics provide logistics service package with the professional process, accurate schedules and cost optimization. With more than 12 years experience in shipping, customs clearance and stock from import and export, we are committed to support business quickly, efficiently. Contact via the hotline 0981.655.880 (Mrs. Thi) – 0949.393.300 (Mrs. Peach) to be detailed advice!

HNT Logistics service providers logistics package with professional process

HNT Logistics service providers logistics package with professional process